
Imam Zijad’s Corner: Thinking of God

Thinking of God
Reported by Abu Hurairah (r) that Muhammad (S) said:
“God said, ‘I am to my servant as he or she thinks of Me.'”
Source: Bukhari
Transliteration: “Qalallahu: Ana ‘Indaz Zanni ‘Abdi bi.”
Note: This is a Prophetic narration of profound meanings. God, the Creator, the Sustainer, the Nourisher, wants us to know Him, remember Him, think about Him, and yearn for meeting with Him.
God wants us to believe that He is the Compassionate, the Merciful and always expect the same from Him in both the worlds.
He wants us to have the conviction that He cares about us and loves us more than any other being can show love to one another.
He wants us to have faith that He always keeps His promises, and His promises of the eternal Home of peace and happiness are true.
To paint our relationship with Him with our imagination and expectation in the opposite way would be almost self-fulfilling. He wants our thoughts about Him be most nice and decent!