- Camp Director
- Camp Supervisor
- Camp Counselor
Please click on the link to get more details
Please send your resume and cover letter to summer.program@snmc.ca by June 6, 2022.
Please click on the link to get more details
Please send your resume and cover letter to summer.program@snmc.ca by June 6, 2022.
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
Eid al-Adha (1441 – 2020) Announcement
Dhul Qa’dah 29, 1441 / July 20, 2020
All praise is for Allah. May His peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, the faithful companions, and all those who follow them.
In consistent with the Council’s endeavours to focus on the higher objectives of the Shari’ah, the Council had resolved to celebrate Eid al-Adha following the day of ‘Arafah. Therefore, the 1st of Dhul Hijjah will be on Wednesday, July 22nd and Eid al-Adha will be celebrated on Friday, July 31st, insha’Allah. The Council of Imams
encourages community members to observe fasting on the Day of ‘Arafah, which will be on Thursday, July 30th insha’Allah.
On behalf of the Muslim community of Ottawa-Gatineau, the Council extends its best wishes to all Canadians and Muslims on these auspicious days of Hajj and Eid al-Adha. The Council calls upon Canadians and Muslims to make a greater effort to help those in need, especially those who are being impacted due to the prevailing Covid-19 pandemic. Please look out for those in need here at home and around the world, particularly by sharing meat from Eid al-Adha sacrifices and by supporting local food banks.
Let us celebrate the Eid in the spirit of inclusion, forgiveness, reconciliation and sharing not only within the families and friends but right across our country.
The Council of Imams of Ottawa-Gatineau (CIOG)
Signed by the Council members (in alphabetical order):
Imam Ahmed Limame – The Outaouais Islamic Centre
Imam Anver Malam – Jami Omar
Imam Ismail Al-Batnuni – AMA (Masjid Al-Rahmah)
Imam Mohammad Badat – Masjid Bilal
Imam Muhammad Suliaman – OMA
Imam Mohsen El-Nadi – SNMC
Imam Owais Tilly – Jami Omar
Imam Samy Metwally – ISG
Imam Sikander Hashmi – KMA
Imam Zijad Delic – SNMC
This statement is also endorsed by the following members of UMO-OG (United Muslim Organizations of OttawaGatineau): Islamic Society of Sandy Hill – The Mosque of Aylmer – Assalam Masjid
Have you signed up for your Masjid Pass?
Having your Masjid Pass with you is now mandatory when entering SNMC.
Sign up for one at https://checkin.mysnmc.ca
It only takes a minute and it’s a one time sign up.
For details on how to sign up and explanations go to: https://checkin.mysnmc.ca/Home/Instructions
There are 3 ways to sign up for a Masjid Pass
1. From your phone. Don’t forget to click Add to Home Screen – this allows you to access your Masjid Pass without internet connection.
2. From your computer and print your Masjid Pass.
3. Come to SNMC and ask – we will help you sign up and print your Masjid Pass.
Once registered, bring your Masjid Pass with you (either an electronic or a printed copy) when you come to SNMC.
Your Masjid Pass replaces the piece of paper with your contact information that you were previously required to drop off when entering SNMC.
We are requiring you to sign up for a Masjid Pass to help keep you, your loved ones and our community safe.
By Signing Up, we can quickly notify you if you may have been exposed to COVID-19 while at our facilities.
Your privacy is important to us.
The information you provide will not be shared outside of SNMC except in the unfortunate case that Public Health asks to contact you for COVID-19 contact tracing.
We will remove all information tied to your personal identity from the list of mosque check ins after 3 months of that check in.
As-Salamu Alykum wa Rahmatullah.
Ramadan Kareem.
An invisible micro virus is controlling our day to day life.
InshaAllah, we will fast, pray, have Suhr, Iftar in our own home with the family.
With your valuable donation over the last 8 years,
CBET in a transparent way awarded scholarships to 1600 students in Bangladesh each $200 and in Ottawa 100 students each $500.
Enjoy the below video with six community leaders/Imams.
CBET video: https://youtu.be/pFkAovvfgwk
Please donate from Zakat, Sadaqa or Earning online at www.CBET.ca by PayPal or Card
or eTransfer to info@cbet.ca.
During Ramadan for every $100 donation, we will get reward for donating $7000.
Stay home, stay safe.
With Salam Dr Emdad Khan, CBET President & SNMC Founder
All the information on this page has been provided by external sources. The SNMC is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information supplied by external sources. Users wishing to rely upon this information should consult directly with the source of the information.”
Imam Zijad’s Corner: An Attitude of Gratitude (Shukr)Narrated by `A’isha (r) that when the Prophet (S) prayed (the night prayers: Qiyam-ul-layl), he would stand until (the skin of) his feet swelled. So, she asked him: “O Prophet of Allah, you do all of this while knowing that Allah has forgiven you all of your mistakes?”
He responded: “Should I not aspire to be a grateful servant of Allah?” Source: Muslim Transliteration: “Afala Akunu ‘Abdan Shukura?” Imam ibn Hajar commented on the hadith by saying that Muhammad (S) clarified to ‘Aisha (r), and thus to all of us, that the path of worship is not the path of challenges and difficulties but the way in which we develop an opportunity to express our gratitude to the Creator for all we enjoy and for the doors of forgiveness He provided us with. Muslim classical and modern scholars taught us that gratitude is not only the part of our faith but it is the key by which to attract abundance, blessings, prosperity, peace, tranquility and success. One of the most important aspects of tarbiyah (education) in Islam is the cultivation of the attitude of gratitude in people’s lives. Why gratitude is presented to be much important and beneficial in Islam? In the context of our current situation with coronavirus pandemic, we certainly could benefit from this attitude in all aspects of our life. Below are some practical examples of benefits of gratitude: When we let our minds look for problems, we see plenty of them. Instead, if we rather look away from problems and focus on possibilities and go for solutions, we will get those too. Let’s, therefore, use gratitude to motivate ourselves to find possibilities and search for solutions and not only the negatives associated with challenges we face in life. Gratitude helps us to slow down on the life-highways and enjoy what we have, rather than always waiting for the next wish to come true. Gratitude can help us recognize that we already have enough of what many people have, for long, been yearning for. We must therefore tame our Nafs (souls) to understand that if we can’t find happiness in the blessings that we have today, then we won’t be happy with what we get tomorrow. Thus, gratitude is a sense of fulfillment that comes not from wanting more but rather from a sense of knowing that Allah has already blessed us with what we need. Gratitude helps us recognize other people’s favors to us. The Prophet (S) through his sayings made it quite clear that expressing our gratitude to Allah by thanking Him also involves that we thank people who do favors for us. The Prophet Muhammad (S) said as narrated by Abu Hurairah (r): “He who does not thank people, does not thank Allah” (Ahmad, Tirmidhi). He also taught us how to do it: “Whoever does you a favor, then reciprocate, and if you cannot find anything with which to reciprocate, then pray for him/her until you think that you have reciprocated him/her.” (Abu Dawud) In another hadith, he said: “Whoever has a favor done for him/her and says to the one who did it,‘Jazak Allahu khayran,’ has done enough to thank him/her.” (Tirmizi) Gratitude isn’t about ignoring our problems. On the contrary, gratitude helps us to be patient, accepting of life’s challenges, and accordingly trains us to seek personal fulfillment with less. Gratitude thus makes us “low maintenance” in our demands and expectations. This trait reduces our burden on those around us, making our company more pleasing to others instead of leaving us always unhappy, more demanding, and impossible to please because of unending demands and expectations. Gratitude helps increase one’s blessings, as Allah says: “And (remember) when your Lord proclaimed: ‘If you are grateful, I will give you more (of My Blessings).” (Ibrahim 14:7) Gratitude is not only expressing our thanks with words. Gratitude goes beyond mere words. It emerges in the heart and translates itself in our actions. We see this in the example of the Prophet (S) whose sins were forgiven by Allah, yet, he continued to strive for His pleasure, as in the hadith above. It is not only about saying shukr but acting shukr! This acting part of shukr has been also presented in the example of the Prophet Dawud’s (may peace and blessings be upon him) family. Allah says: “Work, of family of Dawud, in gratitude.” (Saba’ 34:13) Allah did not tell Dawud “Be grateful” but told him “work in gratitude.” May Allah help us be grateful to our own families and all those who have done any good to us, be it something huge or small and does not matter if it comes from an individual, group, association or the state. Allahumma Amin!
Live Discussions for youth 11+
Event: SNMC Youth Virtual Halaqas with Imam Mohsen followed by interactive activities
Link to join: https://bit.ly/2WOgGQ9
Time and Topics:
Sign up for details and updates at: https://bit.ly/2VeNiAj
Youth Activities and Challenges: will be announced in the email reminders, so be sure to sign up!
If you’ve been participating in our virtual youth events, we’d appreciate your feedback! Help us better serve you! Please provide your feedback on our SNMC Youth virtual activities at: https://bit.ly/2RqVLzh
Check them out at
SNMC Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SNMC.ca/ or
SNMC Youtube Channel http://tinyurl.com/SNMCca/Videos
Sunday, April 11th at 7:00 pm – Topic: “ Preparation for the Month of Ramadan: 5 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan.”
Tuesday, April 13th at 7:00 pm – Topic: “ Preparation for the Month of Ramadan: 5 Goals to Prepare for Ramadan.”
Thursday, April 15th at 7:00 pm – Topic: “ Taqwa: The Purpose of Sawm (Fasting) ”
Saturday, April 17th at 7:00 pm – Topic: ” Benefits of Taqwa in the Light of the Qur’an.”
Imam Zijad’s Corner: Modesty is Part of Faith
Narrated by Zaid ibn Talha رضي الله عنه that Muhammad ﷺ said: “Indeed, every religion has fine, innate and praiseworthy character, and the character of Islam is Al Haya’ (modesty or bashfulness).”
Source: Malik
Transliteration: “Inna Likulli Dinin Khuluqun; wa Khuluqul Islami Al Haya.”
This Hadith means that among all the religions, which existed before Islam, each one had one prominent characteristic or another except Al Haya’.
In other words, among all the moral values the position that Al Haya’ occupies in Islam is the most dominant and sublime and this was not the case in the earlier religions so much as it is in Islam.
If it was like stars in the other religions, it shines forth like the sun in Islam.
For these reasons, the attention of Muslims is invited to this prominent position and importance of Al Haya’.
While Muslims should adopt all good moral values, they are asked specifically to give a distinct position to Al Haya’.
Al Haya’ rests at the top of the list in good manners of exceptional believers.
Al Haya’ means modesty, bashfulness, shyness, deservedness, etc.
It is a much-praised habit for it prevents its owner from doing something that is wrong.
It also brings only good to its owner, as our Prophet, Muhammad ﷺ said: “Al Haya’ does not bring anything except good.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
Once the Prophet ﷺ was passing by a man who was blaming someone for his bashfulness. The Messenger ﷺ told him to leave the person adding: “Al Haya is a part of Faith, and Faith leads into Jannah and Al Bitha’ {indecency-shamelessness) is a part of corruption or disgust (Al Jafa’) and corruption leads to Jahannam.” (Ibn Majah, Ahmad, Tirmithi)
As it can be seen from the Hadith, the Haya’ is related with character (Akhlaq) and it helps in bringing up moral people with virtuous behavior which will lead them to Jannah.
Ibn Al Qayyim, may God be pleased with him, said that Al Haya’ is a part of life, and depending on how much Al Haya’ heart possesses, actually reflects how much moral character an individual has.
The smaller amount of Al Haya’ the individual shows, the greater deficiency of spiritual life and ineffectiveness his/her ability and competence reflects.
The Prophet, Muhammad ﷺ said: “The Faith consists of more than sixty branches, and Al Haya is a part of Faith.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari)
Al Haya’ may be practiced between a servant and his/her Rabb (Lord), when a servant shows bashfulness (Al Haya’) before the Lord, especially in committing disobedience be it openly or secretly.
Allah (SWT) the Almighty informs us: “Allah knows the fraud of the eyes, and all that the breasts conceal.” (Al Gafir 19)
The shyness between Allah and His servants is the shyness of honor, because Almighty God is shy to refuse His servant when he/she raises his/her hands in supplication (Du’a).
As for shyness between the individual and other people, it is that which prevents him/her from committing a wrong, and thus hates people witnessing his/her feeling of humiliation and guilt.
He/she who is shy of God, avoids what is forbidden in all situations: in the presence of people as well as in their absence.
This Al Haya’ is the shyness of worship, and it can only be acquired by knowing God, His nearness to His servants, and His knowledge of what is open and being kept hidden and secret.
This form of Al Haya’ is the highest form of Al Ihsan. It is very clearly explained in the Hadith: “Al Ihsan is to worship God as though you are seeing Him, and while you do not see Him, yet truly He sees you.” (Sahih Muslim)
Please register for updates on Virtual Events held by SNMC Youth!For everyone! Please register at: https://bit.ly/2IOCLpF
Target age and gender groups for activities will be specified with the activity links.
Our next upcoming virtual event is:
Online Wednesday 5 pm halaqa targeted to the youth
The speaker is: Imam MohsenThe topic is: Time Is Life (How to optimize our time over March Break)
Time: 5-6 pm TOMORROW (Wednesday March 18th)Location: Virtual!Attendees can join through the following link: https://bit.ly/3a9z0XX