Announcement Featured

Visiting Scholar and Imam Candidate Tour at SNMC

SNMC is pleased to present visiting scholar and Imam candidate from Vancouver
Born and Raised in UK

Imam Anas Shaikh Nadwi
BA in Islamic Theology and Hafidh of Quran

We encourage the entire community to attend the masjid to meet and greet Imam Anas, attend lectures, participate in halaqas and listen to reminders after salah.

We look forward to seeing all of you!

Friday April 26

Juma’a Khutba at 1 pm

Friday Night Community Lecture:

Friday 8pm (after Maghrib)

Title: Ramadhan – A month of Victory

Sat April 27

Youth Lecture: Saturday 5pm (Before ‘Asr)

Title: You are the future

Sun April 28

Sisters only lecture: Sunday after dhuhr (1:30 pm)

Title: The Four Greatest Women on Earth

Short Reminders After Salah