Please read all items completely before heading to SNMC.
Volunteers have strict instructions to follow below guidelines.

Jumu’ah and daily prayers will take place at the SNMC effective Friday 12 June 2020 in-sha Allah.
The safety of all attendees, volunteers and administrative staff is our highest priority.
The following rules must be followed for all prayers:
- High-risk individuals or anyone experiencing illness or symptoms of illness such as cough, fever, runny nose should NOT attend the prayers in the masjid in order to protect the health of others.
- As per provincial guidelines, for each prayer you are planning to attend, before you come please write on a piece of paper your name, phone number, and your email address*. Bring it with you and drop it in the designated box as you enter the masjid**.
- Attendees should make wudhu before visiting the SNMC masjid.
- Washroom and wudhu facilities will be closed in this phase of the re-opening.
- Doors will be open 30 minutes before each prayer.
- Attendees must maintain social distancing of 6ft from others at all times, including the parking lot, entrances, exits, and during prayer times.
- Attendees are required to bring their own adult-size prayer mats.
- Attendees are required to bring and wear a face mask at all times.
- Attendees are required to bring a plastic bag for their shoes and keep the shoes with them. The shoe racks will NOT beavailable.
- There will be a line on the floor that everyone must take their shoes before it, step after it and pick up his/her shoes, put them in the plastic bag and keep them with him/her.
- Please remain seated in your prayer spot and please do NOT wander from your spot.
- Masjid will be open for Fardh prayers. Please pray Sunnah at home.
- Doors will be locked at iqama time.
- Once the parking lot is full, it will be closed.
- At this phase of re-opening, only children age 12+ can attend.
For Jumu’ah prayer, in addition to the above rules, please note:
Following the provincial rules, the masjid will be only able to accommodate a limited number of people at any given time. Once the limit is reached, the doors will be closed, and people will need to wait in a line outside for the next prayer.
- Three Jumu’ah prayers will be held in-sha Allah (Winter Schedule):
- 1st at 12:00 pm
- 2nd at 12:45 pm
- 3rd at 1:30 pm
- Doors will be opened 30 minutes before the start of the Jumu’ah prayers. Please arrive early as delays are expected.
Jazak Allahu Khairn.
Your patience, understanding and support is greatly appreciated.
*This will be applied until another solution is implemented.
**This information will only be looked at in the unfortunate event that a health issue arise and Public Health decides to do contact tracing for the safety of the attendees. Otherwise, it will be destroyed on regular bases.