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Prayer Times-The Week of March 10: Fajr-6.30 a.m., Zuhr-1.30 p.m., Asr-5.30 p.m., Maghrib 5 min after athan, Isha 8.45 p.m.

Prayer Times: The Week of March 10/2019

Fajr-6.30 a.m.

Zuhr-1.30 p.m.

Asr-5.30 p.m.

Maghrib Iqama Times Sunday (7.09 p.m.), Monday (7.11 p.m), Tuesday (7.12 p.m.), Wednesday (7.13 p.m.), Thursday (7.15 p.m.)

Please note magrib prayers will be performed 5 minutes after athan times. 

Isha-8.45 p.m.

You can also access SNMC prayer schedule here;