By Dr. Emdad Khan
1) Migration of early Muslims and our own migration
سُوۡرَةُ التّوبَة(in Quran
ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ وَهَاجَرُواْ وَجَـٰهَدُواْ فِى سَبِيلِ ٱللَّهِ بِأَمۡوَٲلِهِمۡ وَأَنفُسِہِمۡ أَعۡظَمُ دَرَجَةً عِندَ ٱللَّهِۚ وَأُوْلَـٰٓٮِٕكَ هُمُ ٱلۡفَآٮِٕزُونَ (٢٠) يُبَشِّرُهُمۡ رَبُّهُم بِرَحۡمَةٍ۬ مِّنۡهُ وَرِضۡوَٲنٍ۬ وَجَنَّـٰتٍ۬ لَّهُمۡ فِيہَا نَعِيمٌ۬ مُّقِيمٌ (٢١) خَـٰلِدِينَ فِيہَآ أَبَدًاۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ عِندَهُ ۥۤ أَجۡرٌ عَظِيمٌ۬ (٢٢)
Surah Al-Tawba9: 20-22
Those who believe and have left their homes and striven with their wealth and their lives in Allah’s way are of much greater status in Allah’s sight. These are they who are successful (20) Their Lord giveth them good tidings of mercy from Him, and acceptance, and Gardens where enduring pleasure will be theirs; (21) There they will abide forever. Indeed! with Allah there is immense reward. (22)
No migration from Makkah to Medina after victory of Makkah but one can migrate from oppression
Spiritual migration: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “Embracing Islam wipes out all sins which were committed before it and making Hijrah also erases all the sins that were committed before it.”
2) Plan/ Execute of Migration
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) planned and executed by relying on Allah swt. He consulted his plan to Abu Bakr, (RA) and even appointed a non-Muslim guide, Abdullah bin Areeqat
We should have our plan, as we are now in Ottawa Canada
3) Muslim Community Development: Our Aim of Migration & Companions aim
a) Intention : four reasons: 1) seeking the bounties of Allah(swt), 2) please Allah(swt), 3) support the faith and 4) support His messenger. If we migrated safety, money, and education, we should change to serve Allah (swt) and to establish Islam by building masjid with community center
b) Build Masjid with services: School/Quran learning with social services: build a masjid. With community services but fill it with multiethnic people and provide School and Quran learning and social services – if the masjid is empty then our hearts are empty. c) Mentors, Brotherhood: Muhajirs and Ansar’s, Identity: welcome multiethnic Muslims as a family unit, brothers, sisters, kids. Develop the brotherhood between the mujahideen and Al-Ansar. Important brotherhood was needed more than anything else. The mujahedeen needed material help and Al-Ansar needed a new identity gathering to hold educational and spiritual sessions in the Prophet’s masjid. Social celebrations and gatherings—such as weddings—took place in the masjid. As brothers in Islam our masjids must welcome all ethnicity or fqih d) Madinah Treaty Identify and Citizenship Third step: make a treaty with the Jewish tribes of Madinah. guaranteed freedom of worship, a school and synagogue in Madinah. He allowed Najran Christina to stay and worship Christian faith. Peaceful Co-Existence: multiethnic & multi faith communities e) good relation and welcome Non-Muslims and Multi Ethnicity: Develop a strong community is to have healthy and normal relations with your non-Muslim neighbors. Not divided on different cultures and ethnicities. f) Attract Kids and Sisters, Youths? Plant Build Masjid with Community Center integrated?? g) Our Children education: Lessons from Prophet Yakub and Ibrahim: Three things will help us after our death: Our Righteous Children: your children you benefit them as well as yourselves both secular and Islamic |
h) Canadian Citizenship: Canadian Muslims our identity
Prophet Muhammad and his Companions from Makkah loved and cared about Madinah the same way they cared about Makkah, Now Canada is our medina i) Peaceful Co-Existence: Inter community & Inter faith : Islamophobia and Indigenous people Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his Companions established good relations with other communities living in Madinah. There was a large Jewish community as well as some other Arab tribes who had not accepted Islam. The Prophet (PBUH) prepared a covenant or a constitution) for organizing relations between these communities, Muslims and non-Muslims. Protection of life and property, and freedom of thought and of worship were guaranteed. |
j) Developing the Community: Cleaning, Water systems, agriculture, trade
Before Hijrah, Yathrib was a polluted city. We also should participate in Ottawa City/Hospitals all volunteer activities, such as Cleaning the City, Preserve Water System, Do Agriculture and Gardening, Support poverty eradication by helping orphans and needy, Support and work on Safety, Security, Law and Order Conclusions: Hijrah teaches us that wherever Muslims go, should work for both moral and material goodness of the society working with multiethnic, brother, sisters, youths as a unified family unit. Also work in a harmonious way with multi faith groups. |
With Salaam and Regards