بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Job Role: IMAM
Nova Scotia Islamic Community Centre (NSICC), also known as Kearney Lake Masjid is looking for a full-time IMAM
Position Summary: NSICC/Kearney Lake Masjid is looking for Imam who can play a leadership role and provide religious and educational service.
Required Qualifications:
i) A bachelor’s degree or higher in Islamic Studies from an accredited Islamic institution.
ii) Preferably Hafizul-Quran
iii) Very strong Knowledge of the Islamic faith and practice
iv) Fluency in English and Arabic (spoken, reading, writing, and listening)
v) At least 5 years or more experience as an Imam or teacher
vi) A Sunni Muslim, well versed in the Quran and Sunnah and Islamic Jurisprudence
vii) Ability to interact with and guide youth and all other members of the community viii) Computer Literacy
ix) Ability to lead a culturally diverse Muslim Community in the Canadian context
Responsibilities: i) Lead Congregational Prayers ii) Organize and deliver regular educational programs e.g., lectures, study, halaqas, workshops etc., iii) initiate and conduct Dawah activities iv) Engage in Community outreach programs v) Establish open dialogue and communication with members to provide religious guidance vi) Lead Ramadan Programs, Tarawih prayers and activities vii) Perform Marriage (Nikah) ceremonies viii) Perform Funeral services ix) Conduct Youth and children Islamic Educational programs and Activities x) Provide counselling services
Required documents: i) Resume ii) Copies of your qualifications and proof of your experience iii) Names and contact information of three references and iv) All applicants must have legal authorization to work in Canada.
Contact Information: Please email your application package to Ashraf Al-Khairi, President of NSICC at president@nsicc.ca. Pease email us if you have any questions about the position.
About US: NSICC/ Kearney Lake Masjid is located in Bedford/ Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. This is a registered and charitable organization that has been serving the Muslim Community of surrounding areas since 1990. This is one of the largest Masjid in Atlantic regions.
Civic Address: 2143 Larry Uteck Blvd., Bedford, Nova Scotia B4B 1E2, Canada. Tel: (902) 832-6300
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 29058, Halifax Shopping Center, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3L 4T8, Canada
Website: www.nsicc.ca Facebook Page: NSICC – Kearney Lake Masjid