By Dr. Emdad Khan
As a test, Allah swt gives sickness to believers. Those who accept the sickness and surrender to Allah’s will like prophet Ayyub AHS, see their status enhanced by Allah swt. Allah swt tested, as stated in the Quran, the best human beings, some of the prophets, the prophet Ayyub AHS, the most notable among them.
Some scholars suggest that sickness is the manifestation of love from Allah swt. Also, sickness of a friend or a relative gives others an opportunity to get reward from Allah swt by taking care of the sick. In fact, a hadith says, in summary, “I was sick, you did not visit me”. On query, Allah swt will clarify, so and so was sick, if you cared and visited him/her, you would find me there.
In this age of Covid-19, surrounded by anxieties, and other non Covid-19 sickness, the duty of caretaker is extremely important. While we care for the sick, and elderly, it is essential, as care giver, we also seek support of more friends, relatives, and community members to get them involved.
If we have only a few people taking care of a sick relative, it will be more challenging. The caretaker will get burned out, exhausted and he or she will become sick, creating ripple effects. So, we request caregiver to seek upfront help from extended family, friends, and community members. This will have double benefits. The new care takers will get hasanah, the load will be reduced, and families and community will benefit, as a caring community.
We, extended family, friends and community members, should look at our own circles and extend our hand as caregivers. If some family members, relatives, or community members do not participate in taking care, because of past events or negligence, they will have to account for that. May Allah protect us from these narrow minded persons.
Let us serve the sick and Allah swt will love us and enhance our status here and hereafter. In turn, peace and harmony will prevail in families and communities.
With Salaam and Regards