Juma Schedule (Friday, Feb. 7, 2025)
Kelly Funeral Home not available for Parking (Feb. 7, 2025)
SNMC Iqama Times (Friday, Feb. 7, 2025)
ALBUSHRA School: 2025-2026 School Admissions are Open
Importance of Jamaal & Fiqh of Combining Prayers (Sunday)
SNMC BYLAWS Amendment Survey
Donate to our Silent Auction
ALBUSHRA Fundraising Dinner (March 7)
Friday Story Night
Monthly Sister Gathering (Saturday)
SNMC Sister Halqa (Sunday)
Founder’s Corner: Day of Judgement and Family Members
Men’s Basketball (Saturday)
Men’s Quran Halaqa-Tajweed Rules (Friday Fajr)
Halqa in Chinese on Islamic Basics (Saturday)
Saturday Night Halqa
Monday Night Reminder
Fiqh Halqa: Brothers (Sunday)
Fiqh Halqa: Sisters (Sunday)
Sisters Support Circle (Sunday)
Brothers Support Circle (Monday)
Girls Open Gym (Wednesday)
Men’s Basketball (Sunday)
Quran Halaqa in Arabic for Sisters (Friday)
Heroes of Islam (Saturday)
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