Announcement Featured

Opportunity to donate for SNMC Maintenance

Dear SNMC patrons,

As-salamu Alaikum

Opportunity to donate for SNMC maintenance

All of us together gave our time and money to build this $8M masjid and centre complex.

We have the opportunity to donate for masjid maintenance and prepare for any failure of heating and cooling in extreme weather.

Please donate online at by PayPal, MC or visa $1,000, or $500 or $250 or $100. It is our masjid, our legacy. You can pay online, by credit card or by pledge form at

Let us remember charity does not decrease wealth. Also, Allah (swt) will return 10 times every dollar we donate in this life and many folds in the life hereafter. May Allah (swt) accept our effort, time, and money. We will be successful if Allah (swt) accepts our efforts.

Let us seek His forgiveness and pray for His acceptance of our efforts.

Announcement Featured

2017 CRA Tax receipts

2017 CRA Tax receipts 

Dear SNMC Donors,

We are now working to issue 2017 CRA tax receipts by early February 2018.

If you need information on your donor profile (i.e., mailing address, e-mail address, phone number etc.) to be updated, please send us the up-to-date information along with the previous one to update your profile.

Thanks so much for your continued support to the SNMC community.

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SNMC Vision: Centre for Excellence

SNMC Vision: Centre for Excellence

SNMC vision is to make our mosque as a centre for excellence which will attract people from all over Ottawa and beyond.

Young or adult brothers and sisters will come to learn Quran, Hadith, Tajweed as well as to join educational, spiritual, social, sports, family, and youth counseling activities and events.

Please send your ideas and proposals to

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SNMC JUMA PRAYER : SNMC JUMA PRAYER January 5th, 2018 (Two Khutbahs): 12:00pm & 1:15pm

SNMC JUMA PRAYER January 5th, 2018  (Two Khutbahs):

1st Khutbah 12:00 pm: Khateeb –  Imam Dr. Zijad Delic

2nd Khutbah at 1:15 pm: Khateeb – Dr. Emdad Khan