What: A workshop for Moms to come together and appreciate themselves and all that they do, learn to put themselves first. Adapt the growth mindset in order to reach success and help their children reach their full potential.
When:April 29th (12-1:30)
Where: SNMC Barrhaven Masjid 3020 Woodroffe Basement Hall A and B
Who: For Moms!From all walks of Life, Stay at Home Moms, Working Moms, Moms Studying.
How: Through a very Interactive, Inspiring and Encouraging Environment
Why: Because Moms are important, they have so much on their plate. They deserve to come together and enjoy their Journey. Learn strategies to let go of overwhelming, and Achieve their Dreams.
Registration: Please text or call 613-804-8416 Email: blossomingmumzohal@gmail.com
Babysitting is Provided $s (fun activities for the Kids)