
Last push to Ramadan Khair finish line !!!

Assalamu Alaikom dear brothers and sisters,

As the blessed month of Ramadan draws to an end and our hearts yearn for more reward from Allah SWT, we are sharing with you a great window of opportunity.

Please be one of the extra special ones who would go above and beyond and give some more!

Please offer a sadaqa Jariyah to this house of Allah during these precious days and nights.

(Graph Data as of 5th May)

(Collections so far)

It takes 76 kind supporters to help SNMC meet its target.

A $1000 donation paid in full or over monthly instalments is what we are asking for.

Can’t offer this donation? No issue Insha Allah. You can still offer it thru spreading the word to someone who can and become a partner in the reward.

Please pay this forward for Jannah. 

Every donation counts and Allah SWT rewards for it.

May Allah make your efforts to support SNMC heavy on your scale of good deeds. Ameen

Jazakom Allah Khair and SNMC is in safe hands and kind hearts always alhamdulillah.

Here is how to Donate:

a) SNMC Website –

b) Email Transfer –

c) Cash / Cheque – Deposit at SNMC

d) Call SNMC 613-440-6300 / Email SNMC at and In Sha Allah some one will contact you

Your brother,

Wahed Mohammed,

SNMC President