
Beginners’ Carpentry Workshop!

As-salamu Alaikum!

SNMC Youth presents its latest program: Beginners’ Carpentry Workshop!

This 5-class workshop will teach students the basics of working with wood along with plenty of hands-on instruction. Learn to work with various tools: drills, saws, sanders, and more!

When: Sundays from 2-4pm Bi-weekly Starting October 8th – December 3rd, 2023

Where: SNMC Basement (Hall A)

Who: Brothers 16-24

Fee: $20

Note: Please bring a pen and a notebook with you.

Limited spots available! Registration is required!

Registration opens on Friday, September 29th at 12pm.

Please register using the following link:

Registration is not complete until payment is received. The first 15 registrants who pay will have their spots reserved! After registering, please keep an eye out for an email with details on how to pay. Payments will be accepted within 48 hours or else your spot will be lost.