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Live-Streaming Discussion/Short Talks

Check them out at
SNMC Facebook or
SNMC Youtube Channel

Saturday, April 4th at 7:00 pm – Topic: “Tawakkul (Reliance) on Allah: Benefits in Times of Calamities.”
Monday, April 6th at 7:00 pm – Topic: “Preparing for the Month of Ramadan – Blessings of Ramadan.”
Wednesday, April 8th at 7:00 pm – Topic: “Being an Extra-Nice Neighbour in Times of Calamities.”
Friday, April 10th at 1:00 pm – Today’s Friday Message – Please listen to the Message and then pray 4 Units (Rakat) of Salatiz Zuhr
Friday, April 10th at 7:00 pm – Topic: “Preparing for the Month of Ramadan – 5 Reasons to Prepare for Ramadan.”
Sunday, April 12th at 7:00 pm – Topic: “Preparing for the Month of Ramadan – 5 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan.”
Tuesday, April 14th at 7:00 pm – Topic: “Preparing for the Month of Ramadan – 5 Goals to Prepare for Ramadan.”
Thursday, April 16th at 7:00 pm – Topic: “Taqwa (Mindfulness of Allah) – the Purpose of Fasting.”


Du’a of the week

Articles News

Two lights

عن عبدالله بن عباس -رضي الله عنهما- قال

Ibn ‘Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them) reported:

بينما جبريل -عليه السلام- قاعد عند النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- سمع نَقِيضَا من فوقه

While Jibril (Gabriel) was sitting with the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), he heard a sound above him.

فرفع رأسه، فقال: هذا باب من السماء فُتِحَ اليوم ولم يفتح قط إلا اليوم

He lifted his head, and said: “This is a gate which has been opened in heaven today. It was never opened before.”

فنزل منه مَلَكٌ، فقال: هذا ملك نزل إلى الأرض لم ينزل قط إلا اليوم، فسلم وقال

Then an angel descended through it, he said:
“This is an angel who has come down to earth. He never came down before.”
He sent greetings and said:

:أبشر بنُورين أُوتِيْتَهُما لم يُؤتهما نَبِيٌّ قبلك)

“Rejoice with two lights given to you. Such lights were not given to any Prophet before you.
These (lights) are:

، فاتحة الكتاب، وخَوَاتِيمُ سورة البقرة

Fatihah-til-Kitab (Surat Al-Fatihah), and the concluding Ayat of Surat Al-Baqarah.

لن تقرأ بحرف منها إلا أُعْطِيتَهُ

You will never recite a word from them without being given the blessings it contains.” [Muslim]

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Humble and Arrogant

Humble and Arrogant. As human being, we are familiar in our day to day life in works and community with the persons of these two attributes.

In fact, with the creation of first human being Adam and the cursed devil, the almighty has explained these two attributes. The devil showed his arrogance by disobeying God when asked to prostate Adam (AHS) as he proudly stated his is better as he was created from fire and Adam from soil.  But we observe, when at the deception of devil, prophet Adam and mother Hawa disobeyed and ate the forbidden fruit, they instantly admitted and took the owner ship of the misstate. They did not blame each other or the devil, rater both said, oh our Lord, we wronged ourselves, if you do not forgive us or have mercy on us, we will become the losers.

So, one key attribute we will see in our life, when some thing goes wrong, the arrogant will blame others or find excuses not take the ownership, but the humble one will admit and take ownership of the mistake.

 The humble person speaks the truth. Arrogant negotiates a way out on what’s best for himself/herself. Arrogant uses anger, bitterness, or finds a way out from speaking the truth.

Another attribute is listening, Humble person listens other views with deep attention and  gently seeks clarification, but the arrogant will do opposite.

If any one of us has a vision, we will work by persuasion to overcome obstacles to reach the goal, not by arrogant will say, our way or highway, and so on.

The crazy, invisible, micro virus within three months, January to March 2020, has taken over the control of the whole world. The mighty presidents, prime ministers, scientists, engineers, professors, physicians, has not yet find a cure or way to get the control back. This reminds us, when on the day of judgment, the Almighty, God will declare, for whom is the kingdom today. No one will be able to say anything, He again will declare, for God the Irresistible one. So, the Almighty has given us an opportunity to return to Him and work to save the humanity by becoming humble and  be caring to build a just society, country and world. We have the option to be humble like prophet Adam or be cursed and doom ourselves and humanity by being like the devil


Sha’aban Month

All praises are to Allāh, the Most Kind and the Most Merciful, and may His peace and blessings be upon the Prophet Muhammad (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam).

Dear Brothers and sisters in Islam,

The month of Sha’bān is one of the most important months for our ‘Ibādah.

Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, one of the great scholars, said:

“The month of Sha’bān is a preparation for the month of Ramadān.”

This is why many scholars from the past would call it the month of the Qur’ān and the month of the reciters, because they would recite a lot of Qur’ān during the month of Sha’bān in order to be ready to read more Qur’ān during the month of Ramadan.

Shaban is one of the seasons of worship that should be utilized in filling our record of good deeds and reward. It is a month in which the Prophet would fast more than he fasted in any other month in acknowledgment of its excellence, as stated by authentic hadiths.

Not only fasting is recommendable in Shaban but all the good deeds are also desirable in this month. The faithful Muslim aspires to have a big share of the various acts of worship in search for the pleasure of Allah to him.

Usamah ibn Zaid (May Allah be pleased with him) said: “I said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, I do not see you fasting any month as much as Sh`aban.’ He said: ‘That is a month to which people disregard or do not pay much attention, between Rajab and Ramadan. It is a month in which the deeds are taken up to the Lord of the worlds, and I like that my deeds be taken up when I am fasting.”‘ (An-Nasaa’i)

Subhan Allah! Our deeds are lifted up to Allah in the month of Shaban.

These deeds contain all what one does including the good, the bad, the offensive, the prohibited, the allowable, etc. Our Prophet was keen that the end of his recorded woks before their ascension to Allah to be sealed with an act of worship, namely fasting.

So, my dear respected brothers and sisters, while you are staying at home, try to fast as much as you can in this month. Train your family to fast as much as they can and to read Qur’ān as much as possible.

This is a very good preparation for Ramadān. Take this staying at home as an opportunity to get closer to Allāh and always transform difficulties into opportunities. This is the mentality of the successful people – and we are successful people.

May Allāh remove this calamity before the coming month of Ramadān.

The difference between Sha’bān 1440 and Sha’bān 1441 is that a whole year of your life has passed. A whole year of more than 350 days of actions recorded. The actions of the days are recorded, not neglecting any hour, nor second of each day.

Ibrāhīm al-Nakh’ī used to cry to his wife every Thursday, and she used to cry too and he used to say, “Today our actions will be put forth in front of Allāh”. So how about the actions of the whole year?

Sit down and try to reflect on what you did in the past year and try to remember the actions that will be put forth in front of Allāh.

May Allah give us the utmost love for such a month that meant so much to our beloved Prophet (SAW). May He give us the ability to fast abundantly in this month and committing good deeds and Muslim gain countless blessings from Allah Almighty in addition to receiving pardon and forgiveness. Ameen!


Du’a of the Week


Imam Zijad Corner

Live-Streaming Discussion:

* Tuesday, March 31th at 8:00 pm – Topic: “Being an Extra-Nice Neighbour in Times of Calamities.” —
SNMC Facebook or
YouTube –

* Sunday, April 5th at 8:00 pm – Topic: “Benefits of True Tawakkul (Reliance) on Allah in Times of Calamities.”–

SNMC Facebook or
YouTube –

Short Talks: 

* Wednesday, April 1st Topic: “Practical Muslims’ Response to Coronavirus Pandemic.” –
SNMC Facebook or
YouTube –

* Saturday noon, April 4th  Topic: 1st “Be Mindful of God and God will Protect you.” –
SNMC Facebook or
YouTube –  

* Monday noon, April 6th Topic: “Planning for Ramadan: New Challenges with equally New Responses.” —

SNMC Facebook or
YouTube –


Imam Mohsen Corner

Live-Streaming Discussion:

* Friday, 3rd April at 7:00 pmJoin us for Dua’as & Dhikr night with Imam Mohsen (Before Maghrib -Sunset)

 How to access (Choose Continue on this browser)

SNMC Facebook or
YouTube –

* Saturday, 4th April 8:15 pm – Topic: “Relieve us with it, O Bilal!”

How to access (Choose Continue on this browser)

SNMC Facebook or
YouTube –

Also, you can access all the virtual listing talks for Ottawa Imams by clicking on:


SNMC’s 13th AGM will be held at 12:30 pm on Sunday, Feb 24th

SNMC’s 13th AGM will be held at 12:30 pm (after Dhuhr) on Sunday, Feb 24th.

SNMC welcomes everyone who would like to know about SNMC’s financial report and annual general report, and to meet new members of the board of directors.

Please note that only active SNMC members are eligible to vote during the AGM. To be an active member one must have donated at least $240 in 2018 AND volunteered for at least 100 hours in the same year.

To be an active member one must have donated at least $240 in 2018 AND volunteered for at least 100 hours in the same year.

We’re looking forward to seeing you all at AGM on Feb 24th at 12.30pm