We are happy to share with you that registration for SNMC’s Al-Bushra’s one week Educational Summer Camp 2022 (in person) has begun!
Al-Bushra Educational Summer Camp offers an affordable educational summer program to families across Ottawa in-sha’Allah. We focus on providing an opportunity for children, ages 5 to 8 to flourish in a healthy and enjoyable environment, while learning about deen and the Qur’an.
- Age: Kids ages 5 – 8 (age will be confirmed through official documents on the first day of the camp?)
- Dates: August 2nd to August 5th 2022
- Time: Tuesday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
- Location: SNMC Masjid at 3020 Woodroffe Ave.
- Fees: $60 (non-refundable)
Sign up here : https://tinyurl.com/SNMCcamp