
HELP STILL NEEDED for Brother Aymen Derbali – The Hero who prevented more loss of life in Quebec’s Masjid shooting

URGENT HELP STILL NEEDED for Brother Aymen Derbali – the Hero who prevented more loss of life in Quebec’s Masjid shooting

Sisters and brothers: your urgent help is needed with this worthy cause of collecting donations to buy an accessible home for Br. Aymen Derbali who is the hero who jumped at the shooter at the Quebec Masjid which prevented more loss of life.

We hope to reach the desired GOAL of $400,000 by January 29th, 2018.

We are now at $288,000; $112,000 to go and if all of us would contribute a bit, we could easily make it, Insha Allah.

More info on the campaign across Canada for this is here:!/

May Allah reward you for every dollar you contribute for this exceptional cause and helping elevate some struggles for Brother Aymen and his family.