
SNMC Heritage: Imam Bukhari–Hadith Sciences, Three Books, and Four Events

Imam Bukhari: Hadith Sciences, Three Books, and Four Events

Three Books Imâm Bukhârî while in Makka in early 20;s wrote a book called, Qadâyâ as-Sahâbah wat-Tâbi`în (Life of Companions of Prophet PBUH and next generation of the companion of Companions). Then he stayed for few years in  Madînah al-Munawwarah to compile the famous book of Asmâ` ar-rijâl (Names of men of transmission) called, Târîkh al-kabîr, And of course, the complied with 7,000 hadiths the most important book after Quran, the Sahi Al-Bukhari. He had an extraordinary memory and extraordinary intellect. He is the inventor of Science of Hadiths

Four Events:

Imâm Bukhârî became blind at a young age. He had recourse to many famous and skilled doctors of his time but their treatments made no difference. His mother was a pious worshipper and a righteous woman. She cried out for help in the court of Allâh the Almighty, for her child and begged for the restoration of his eyesight. At last, “the river of mercy flowed over her,” and Almighty Allâh accepted her invocation. One night, she visited Ibrâhîm `alayhis-salâm in a dream and was told, “Allâh has restored the sight of your son because of your intense and beautiful invocations.” In the morning, as Imâm Bukhârî got up from his bed, glimmers of light reached out into his eyes.

Nîshâpûr and the issue of the creation of the Qur’ân

In 250 AH, Imâm Bukhârî began to deliver lectures on Hadîth in Nîshâpûr. At every session, a huge crowd always packed the area to listen and many included people who had arrived specifically to learn the science of Hadîth. However, some unpleasant people were envious about the reputation and popularity of Imâm Bukhârî.

Once, a man approached Imâm Bukhârî and asked him whether the Qur’ân was created (makhlûq) or not created (ghayr makhlûq). Imâm Bukhârî paused for a while. The man insisted on a reply, upon which he gave a nice reply. After this, mass propaganda started against Imâm Bukhârî, which led to accusations that he believed the words of the Qur’ân to be created. They started warning people by announcing that they should not attend the lectures of Imâm Bukhârî. As a result, people refrained from sitting in his lectures. At last, due to his disappointment, Imâm Bukhârî left the city of Nîshâpûr and returned to Bukhara.1

Banishment from his homeland Bukhara

After returning to He established a school there where he spent a great deal of time teaching with satisfaction.Even here, there were envious people who did not leave him alone.The governor of Bukhara became angry with him for not teaching his sone alone at home and got a fatwa (verdict) from the time-wasting opportunist (ibn al-waqt) `Ulamâ against Imâm Bukhârî to banish him from the city.

His passing: After returning from Bukhara, Imâm Bukhârî decided to travel to Samarqand but the people there had two views about him. So he decided to stay in a village along the way called “Kharteng”. He began to invoke Allâh at length, then he took to his bed and his soul passed away to his Lord – may Allâh have mercy on him. He died on the night of `Îd al-Fitr, the first night of Shawwâl in the year 256 AH. He had reached the age of 62 years,

The Janâzah prayer was performed by Imâm Bukhârî and his body was covered with soil. A beautiful musk smell exuded from the earth of his grave which lasted for several days. People from far and wide began to visit it in astonishment and also took handfuls of earth from his grave for blessings (tabarruk).

In the footsteps of the Prophet (PBUH)

Imâm Bukhârî devoted his entire life, in the search for the way of life given by the Holy Prophet sallallâhu `alayhi wa sallam, in acting upon his sayings and researching into this science. His each and every action was a fragment of the way of the Messenger. Warrâq stated: “In a dream, I once saw Imâm Bukhârî walking behind the Prophet sallallâhu `alayhi wa sallam and his feet would fall exactly where the feet of the blessed Prophet had fallen.”

Farbarî stated: “Once in a dream, I met the Holy Prophet sallallâhu `alayhi wa sallam and he asked me, ‘Where are you going?’ I replied, ‘To Muhammad ibn Ismâ`îl [al-Bukhârî].’ He then said, ‘Go, and give him my salâm.'”

Just as the Holy Prophet sallallâhu `alayhi wa sallam had happiness with Imâm Bukhârî during his lifetime, he was also pleased with him after his death. Concerning this, `Abd al-Wâhid ibn Âdam Awaysî stated: “I saw the Holy Prophet sallallâhu `alayhi wa sallam in my sleep standing with a group of his Companions. I asked, ‘O Prophet sallallâhu `alayhi wa sallam, who are you waiting for?’ He replied, ‘For Bukhârî.’ After a few days I heard the news of Imâm Bukhârî’s passing away. He had died at the very moment that I saw the Prophet sallallâhu `alayhi wa sallam in my dream.”

The Janâzah prayer was performed by Imâm Bukhârî and his body was covered with soil. A beautiful musk smell exuded from the earth of his grave which lasted for several days. People from far and wide began to visit it in astonishment and also took handfuls of earth from his grave for blessings (tabarruk).